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California, United States
Lover of art, music, and literature. Avid collector of memories and good times.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Like every other typical teenage girl, I had this phase a few years back where I would obsess over some celebrity/musician, and find out everything I could about them just to...I dunno, just to know it, I guess. Invariably, there would always be some snippet somewhere about a significant other. And, again, like every other typical teenage girl, I would fly into a fit of irrational, idiotic jealousy. Like I had totally had a chance with said flavor of the week, and this biznatch had gone and stolen him right out from under me.

I know. Lame.

But one in particular has really taken an interesting turn.

A few years ago I was totally digging Ryan Ross, formerly of Panic! At The Disco. And in my research, I found that he had a dancer girlfriend named Keltie Colleen. Right away I thought things like "Oh, a dancer? Well she's probably a total ho. *Google image searches name* "Oh, god, TOTALLY." And thoughts like this just kept going on and on, until I stumbled upon her blog, and I discovered that this woman is a complete and total gem. She's worked her ass off for her dream since she was a kid, she totally handles nasty vibes in a calm and ladylike manner, and she never wishes bad things on anyone. She even posts total good karma-garnering responses to the shitty things said to her. Example: Bitch: I hope you die in a fire boo Keltie: I hope you have a life full of love and peace.I know that I certainly wouldn't have taken the high road. That snot-nosed brat would've gotten a piece and a HALF of my mind.

But not Keltie. Her personal mantra is "Courage. Passion. Hard work. Full-out fearless."

I love that. I love that she takes every day for what it is and gives credit to the universe for the experiences she's had and the people she's met and the places she's been. And I love that she will never, ever, ever give up on love. She has had her heart stamped in the mud so many times & she gets right back up.

I have pretty much forgotten about Ryan Ross, but now I follow Keltie on Twitter, I read her blog obsessively, and I even sent her a little message on Formspring (which she responded to!) It's funny the way life teaches you things. I have learned to not jump the gun so much and give people a chance before judging them. I never would have thought that a girl I automatically hated simply because she was dating a guy I was attracted to would become a total hero.

But she did, and it actually feels totally rad to have been proven so completely wrong.

Sometimes I miss him so much it feels like I'm mourning.