About Me

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California, United States
Lover of art, music, and literature. Avid collector of memories and good times.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I actually got the idea for this post while watching How I Met Your Mother, my new like, and if it continues to be this promising (I've only gotten to disc 2 of season 1 so far), then perhaps even my new love. The main character, Ted, was talking to his best friend Marshall about how he'd just broken up with his girlfriend as she was leaving the country for two years the next day. Marshall pointed out how stupid it was to not spend her last day in the States together: "If you knew that you were going to lose your leg tomorrow, would you sit on the couch and cry about it, or would you run, and jump, and do some awesome air kicks while you still could?" And, okay, that was a metaphor for "spending one last awesome night together" with someone you've just broken up with, but it got me thinking about something else.

It's recently occurred to me that I should really be more grateful for my all-around awesome well-being. Too often, I've heard myself utter things like,

"My knees hurt so bad."

"Fuck, my back is KILLING me."

I have horrible eyesight."

Dude....seriously? Why do I have any reason to complain? My legs work just fine, my back, while sometimes stricken with aches, is still going strong, and my eyes, while nearly blind without the help of my glasses, are healthy and not beyond saving.

What if I couldn't run at all? What if my back was so bad I couldn't walk? What if I couldn't see to watch all the new shows I'm discovering?

Maybe I should be more grateful for how well my body works for me, respecting how much it does for me every single day. And, by the same token, maybe I should take better care of it. Maybe I should at least get in enough shape so going up and down the stairs twice doesn't make me short of breath. Maybe I should eat more than junk. Maybe I should drink more water than soda.

So, in closing, appreciate your body and how freaking rad it is. Even if you're blind, or lame (not the slang way, the actual way), the parts of you that DO work work pretty damn hard. Don't be mean to them.

And yes, I know I am so late hopping on the How I Met Your Mother bandwagon.